Megan is a guide, a mentor, an empath- a living bridge between the physical world and that of the spiritual world. She has dedicated her life to Walking the Good Red Road, which speaks to a way of being in this world: a way ofbeing with our own true self, a way of being with each other as a human race, and a way of being with our Mother Earth.
Her work is fundamentally grounded in these 3 Guiding Principles:
Humans and all aspects of Nature are of the same family. We are in equal partnership and relationship to each other. Just as humans carry a soul, a spirit, or an “energetic rhythm” one might say, so too does every element of Nature. When open to it, there can be an energetic exchange, a relationship of giving and receiving, that transpires between Nature and us. This relationship promotes healing, growth, and love not only for ourselves and each other, but for the healing, growth, and love of our Earth as well.
Guiding Objectives: Throughout this 4-week series, Megan will implement and utilize the following techniques and teaching tools:
Native American Medicine Wheel: a practical and spiritual teaching tool used to assist us and align us to the cycles of Nature, to the cycles within our own life experiences, and to the cycles of the world at large Meditation Practices & Techniques: Discussions of the importance and need to connect with Mother Earth once again Connecting to one’s Heart and Soul- the essence of who you truly are- while in the quiet and solitude of Nature Forest Walks, Elements of Nature: Learning to engage and ‘communicate’ with Nature utilizing our senses Learning to heal, to cultivate awareness, to connect utilizing the elements of Nature Learning to properly, respectfully engage with Nature, from a Native American perspective *Unplug. De-Stress. Decompress. Reduce Anxiety. Find Your Calm.*